วันพุธที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Patrick will be away for England 9-25 Jun16

Last night : 8 Jun 2016

Lizie : Patrick tomorrow at the airport please hold papa hand all the times..so you will not get lost
Patrick : ok, I am so excited to fly over time zone and play game all the time on the plane ( we spoke about time zone yesterday...
The game : always in Patrick mind
Mama : please dont be sad Lizie, Patrick only go for 2.5 weeks he will have a great time
Patrick : I will skype you in the morning, dinner and bed time ok Lizie
we all cuddle...
This morning..Mama can you come home early today so I can cuddle you for a long time..
Yes baba..
It is a time of the year that Patrick has to visit family in England..
And In October will be Lizie time.

They will learnt when they are apart..so they can value the time together...as well as me..

