I am working away in Chiangmai..I calld Lizie and Patrick and found out, Lizie forgot to take her math sheets to school today, she was told to write something like this... I am sorry I make my teacher disappointed...
when she read this out to me i was crying, but Lizie sound ok, she is strong little girl.
P Lamduan now help her with this home work, I have to call Khun Jib my friend (many thank you khun jib Piemporn Harnpornchai, which pageS of home wok Liize have to do.....I am here in Chiangmai and can not do anything..
While Patrick at school today, he got told off from head of teacher there, his friends has been naughty but not him ( I am not so sure..but likely Patrick told me the truth..,
but seem only him got told off....i spoke to him, sometimes people miss understood, I will call school tomorrow to investigate...he said nobody love him...and said to him,we all love you...but when mummy is not there, please be strong..my kids have to learn how to survive when I am not with them...
Great news today is, one little gilr name Crystal kiss Patrick nck, and Patrick said she kiss all the boys in Patrick class
ops somethings new for al of us today.
Kodous to P Daun and kodous to my kids, not everyday is a good day, but we will make a right attitude from our end.
7 Sep 2016 liize Grade 2, Patrick grade 1