วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who died Thursday aged 88, reigned through an era of rising prosperity and frequent political turmoil.

Dear My love, Lizie and Patrick,

Yesterday 13 Oct 2016, was a most saddest day for Thai people..
Our King Rama 9 pass away at 15:52 ..
My tears is droped.... if you want to know..why we love our King so much...

Please do some research, read a lot of Book about Him..

We will be a good persons and always help others who need as much as we could...please remember this... we have the best King..




จะขอตามรอยของพ่อ ท่องคำว่าเพียงและพอจากหัวใจ ด้วยความรัก จะภักดีตลอด ร่วมกันสร้างความดีทั้งกายและใจ ..... กุสุมาพร ถนอมไชย 14 Oct

วันพฤหัสบดี 13 ตุลาคม 2559 
พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช มหิตลาธิเบศ รามาธิบดี จักรีนฤบดินทร์ สยามมินทราธิราช บรมนาถบพิตร ( รัชกาลที่ 9 ) ครองราชย์วันที่ 9 มิถุนายน ปี 2489 เมื่อพระชนมายุ 19 พรรษา เสด็จสวรรคต เวลา 15:52 น. ณ โรงบาลศิริราช พระชนมพรรษา 89 ปี ทรงครองราชสมบัติได้ 70 ปี

Here are the photos that friends of mine took them..at Siriraj Hospital

(CNN)King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who died Thursday aged 88, reigned through an era of rising prosperity and frequent political turmoil.
A member of the Chakri dynasty, which has occupied the Thai throne since the 18th century, US-born and Swiss-educated Bhumibol was a deeply revered figure whose unifying appeal stretched across the spectrum of Thai society, from the rich urban elite to poor provincial farmers.
    His seven-decade reign began in the aftermath of Thailand's occupation by Japan during the Second World War, and ended deep into the Internet age.
    During the upheavals of the 20th century, he skilfully charted a course that put the monarchy at the center of Thai society, acting as a force for community and tradition even as the country lurched between political crises and military coups.
    Toward the end of his reign, as his health declined, the King's presence in public life waned. Before his death, analysts expressed concern that his passing will remove a vital point of unity in an increasingly divided country.
    From 1946, when he acceded to the throne, to the present, Bhumibol reigned over more than 20 prime ministers, more than a dozen coups (both attempted and successful) and repeated constitutional changes. He also helped the country navigate the disruptive effects of the nearby Vietnam War during the 1960s and '70s.    13 Oct 2016

